Monday, January 25, 2010

Not-So-Typical Girl Talk

Oh my gosh, did you watch that amazing football game yesterday? The one with Brett Favre in his hot purple uniform?? Oh man did he look good filling it out ... And Adrian Peterson, how strong and muscular he looked plowing through those heard of men. Not to mention his irresistible smile when he took off his helmet.

Ok, so those are some normal things from a TYPICAL girl when football talk arises, but I'm not your stereotypical girl. I can tell you the difference between an extra point kick and a field goal. I know the difference between a false start and an off-sides call, that a Cover 2 defense doesn't mean that two defenders cover one get the point.

What is the point of my blog you ask?

First, to show doubters that women can hold an sustaining conversation when it comes to sports and two, get readers to see a different side to sports other than the regergitated information Sportscenter spits out.

For the next 10 days, I will be working the Pro Bowl and Super Bowl for the NFL Network. I hope to show you a different side of the Super Bowl that regular joes, like you and I, aren't fortunate enough to attend . The ins and outs of a hectic schedule to put on live broadcasts and other fun stuff like who I will encounter and crazy little journeys I go off on.
So I hope you enjoy some sports talk with a not-so-typical girl.

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